Saturday, August 28, 2010

Spaghetti Night!

Brinley is getting to try lots of new foods. One of those foods was spaghetti. I (Mom) was prepared for a HUGE mess. We stripped Brinley down to her diaper and diaper cover, took the highchair cover off, and had wet rags ready and available for quick use. Then we gave it a go.

We set the sauce on her tray...

She reached out for a taste...

She put it in her mouth...

She wasn't too sure...

Wait a second, she LIKED it!!!

She, actually, didn't make a very big mess. I was pretty disappointed. So I made a little bit of extra mess for dramatic effect. (Trust me, it wouldn't have been a good blog without it!)

Oh what fun!

-The Bakers

Friday, August 27, 2010

Rub-A-Dub-Dub, Just A-Poopin In My Tub

This morning we woke up before the sun with my little sunshine and we were able to enjoy the sunrise. God is an amazing artist. It was so beautiful! I am trying to continually notice the beauty around me. The flowers, the butterflies, the grass, the bugs, the deer, the trees, the fields of wild flowers, etc. I have had a hard time finding the beauty in one thing, though. Check it out- can YOU find the beauty in this?:











I guess the beauty is that she isn't sitting on the carpet!   :-D

 - The Bakers

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Quick Trip to La Junta, Colorado

On Friday the 13th (dum dum duuuuUUUUUUUm) around eight o'clock as we were eating supper Roger proposed a quick trip to see his sister Kristy at her new college. His mom would also be there visiting Kristy as she was feeling quite homesick. I said "Sure! When are we leaving?" So we left at about 2:00a on Saturday morning and got into La Junta around 9:00a. We hung out with Kristy and Nanny all day and enjoyed the fun time spent together. We spent the night Saturday night (by "spent the night" I mean stayed up and patted Brinley in the pack-and-play all night since she couldn't sleep) and left around 1:00p Sunday afternoon. We had such a fun time in that short amount of time. We'd like to share some pictures with you of our trip:

(please excuse the terrible photo quality- hotel lighting is terrible and I later found smudges all over my lens ... wonder who that could have been!)

 Getting ready to leave (2:00am)

Almost there! (9:00am)

Kristy, Nanny, Brinley, and Mommy (12:00p)

Kristy, Daddy, Brinley, and Nanny (12:00p)

Nanny just couldn't take enough pictures (5:00p)

So pretty! (6:00p)

Kristy helping Brinley push her toy around the hotel room (7:00p)

Brinley's sleeping quarters

Brinley was so tired! (Sunday 12:30p)
She figured out she can balance on the steering wheel

Look at me, Mom!

Heading home and ready for some sleep! (Sunday 6:00p)

Well I hope you have enjoyed our pictures. We sure enjoyed the trip. Love you all and hope to see you soon!

-The Bakers

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Walking!

That's right folks, Brinley is moving ever closer to walking! She was caught pushing a "walk-behind" all around her daycare room and so we did a little more practicing at home...

I can't believe my little baby is growing up! Can't she just stay little a bit longer? (I guess Renee and Jeremy were right when they wrote the lyrics "you're little for a little while")

                                                  -The Bakers

The (Mis)Adventures of Eating

Brinley has always enjoyed her food. As a tiny little infant, she loved to nurse all the time. After she got the hang of eating baby food, she was hooked. You couldn't shovel the food into her mouth fast enough! Because she loves her food, she has always been a very clean eater-- that is, until yesterday. Yesterday, Brinley figured out that when she talks and then moves her hand across her mouth quickly, it makes a brand-new sound! This discovery has changed the way Brinley eats. I guess it will all make sense after you see this:

 Here she is... just playing away!

She LOVES her highchair!

What a mess!!

 After a mess like this one, she definitely needs a scrub down! So I get her ready for her bath...

She gets in the tub...

She's beautiful...
(the color in this photo has NOT been enhanced... check out those baby blues!)

And she gets clean...

WOW... what an adventure!