On Friday the 13th (dum dum duuuuUUUUUUUm) around eight o'clock as we were eating supper Roger proposed a quick trip to see his sister Kristy at her new college. His mom would also be there visiting Kristy as she was feeling quite homesick. I said "Sure! When are we leaving?" So we left at about 2:00a on Saturday morning and got into La Junta around 9:00a. We hung out with Kristy and Nanny all day and enjoyed the fun time spent together. We spent the night Saturday night (by "spent the night" I mean stayed up and patted Brinley in the pack-and-play all night since she couldn't sleep) and left around 1:00p Sunday afternoon. We had such a fun time in that short amount of time. We'd like to share some pictures with you of our trip:
(please excuse the terrible photo quality- hotel lighting is terrible and I later found smudges all over my lens ... wonder who that could have been!)
Getting ready to leave (2:00am)
Almost there! (9:00am)
Kristy, Nanny, Brinley, and Mommy (12:00p)
Kristy, Daddy, Brinley, and Nanny (12:00p)
Nanny just couldn't take enough pictures (5:00p)
So pretty! (6:00p)
Kristy helping Brinley push her toy around the hotel room (7:00p)
Brinley's sleeping quarters
Brinley was so tired! (Sunday 12:30p)
She figured out she can balance on the steering wheel
Look at me, Mom!
Heading home and ready for some sleep! (Sunday 6:00p)
Well I hope you have enjoyed our pictures. We sure enjoyed the trip. Love you all and hope to see you soon!
-The Bakers