I have so much to write that I don't know where to start.We have been through quite a bit the past few months so I will just throw some "high"lights in here (just to keep up the journaling aspect of this blog):
While Roger's nieces, Brooke and Gwen, were visiting (and I was about 10 weeks along with the cub) I started spotting. This was very frightening because this never happened with Brinley (and although they tell you each pregnancy is different, you expect them to be the same). After an attempt to get an ultrasound in Hastings ended in Brinley puking all over the car on the way, I just went to Urgent Care and they drew my blood. She said my hormone levels were very high so they were not concerned that I was not maintaining the pregnancy. About four days later my midwife called and explained that she was very concerned about my pregnancy. She said that spotting and high hormone levels could mean one of two things: multiples or a molar pregnancy (which, in short, means we lose our baby or never had one to begin with). She told us this on a Friday and we had to wait until 4:30p on Monday to get an ultrasound. A very dear friend watched Brinley and everyone prayed and prayed asking for God to bring us a healthy baby. In the end, the cub is ONE healthy baby. :-D
We have also been through Brinley getting the stomach flu (worst diarrhea I have EVER SEEN) and a scare with dehydration during that time. She was at the doctor quite a bit with concerns for dehydration but she was SUCH A GOOD GIRL and drank just enough to keep herself hydrated. We all THREE also had Influenza B. Yuck!
We have also started making the move towards me living my dream... being a Stay-At-Home mom. :-D We are working towards our goal and hope to accomplish it by September (when our little cub is due). Roger is currently working on selling one of his trucks and has been working his booty off for this to become a reality. Do I have a DREAM MAN or what??
I also helped (a little) with the planning of my baby sister's baby shower this month. We had my Grandma Shirley (Gram) from Florida, Grandma Renee and Grandpa Shel from San Antonio, sister Tracy from St Louis, sister and bro-in-law Ryan from South Carolina, friends and family from Denver all planning on attending the shower. I was SO PUMPED to see all of my family (I love it when my whole family is together) and for Brinley to get time with all of her great-grandparents on my side. I ended up getting Influenza B and was told I could not attend the shower until I was well (which was supposed to be the Monday after the shower). I ended up getting well on the Friday before the shower and left that day with my little Bear and spent until Monday with my family. What a privilege that was (God reminded me it was a privilege NOT a right!).I will blog some pictures of that later in the week.
On to the photos- here are just a few from the past month...
Piggy Tails |
She LOVES her Daddy! |
Croissants and Strawberries! |
Yum! |
Brinley has improved her utensil-using abilities |
Creepy photo of Brinley taken by Grandma on Skype |
Our little cub (taken in February) |
-The Bakers