Sunday, January 24, 2010

How Do I Look in Vomit?

    Here is how yesterday went for Brinley and I...
           12:30a      went to sleep
            7:30a       woke up to nurse (yea... she slept SEVEN HOURS!!)
            8:00a       back to sleep
           10:30a      woke up to nurse
           11:45a      back to sleep
             2:00p      woke up to nurse
             2:15p      back to sleep
             5:15        woke up (yea... that's right! SLEPT ALL DAY!)
             5:20        Mom is wondering if Brinley is sick (sleeping alot)
             6:45p      nursed
             7:00p      started baking Banana Bars for Life Group
             7:15p      vomited all over mom and floor
             7:16p      laughed, giggled, smiled at Mom covered in vomit
             7:17p      Mom calls grandma crying and scared
             7:18p      Grandma has Mom calmed down
             7:30p      back to sleep while mom cleans up and finishes baking
             8:00p      woke up to nurse
             8:15p      Sarah and Caleb come over for dessert and games
           10:00p      back to sleep
           10:15p      woke up to nurse
           11:45p      nurses
   12:45p-1:30a     mom falls alseep
       So I MUST know.... how do I look in vomit??

Just what you wanted to see, right?
How does a tiny baby stomach hold that much??

          Well... that was our fun evening. We ended up having a WONDERFUL time with Sarah and Caleb and Brinley slept from 12:45p to 4:00a and 4:30a to 9:00a. Can't beat that!! :-D
Here are some cute pictures of Brinley with Mom and Dad...

Brinley and her handsome Daddy

Brinley and Mommy

:-) See ya next time!

ps- Thank you Aunt Tracy for all the fun clothes and toys. We got them in the mail yesterday... oh and for my cute shirt and socks I wore to church today...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

    Last night was a card night at our house ( like just about every night). But last night, Roger cheated. He had an extra player helping him out...

 Sleeping through most of the game

Looks pretty comfy, eh?

So pretty...

Roger and Brinley arguing over which card to play.

     Here are some pictures of Brinley in her new onesie. She outgrew her newborn and 0-3 onesies so I had to get her a couple new ones. :-)


Thanks for checking in! :-)
                            -Roger, Janel, and Brinley

Ahhhh now that we updated the blog we can get on with our BUSY Saturday plans....


Friday, January 22, 2010

Shower Time!

Brinley took her first shower yesterday! She was in her bouncy chair while I was in the shower and she started crying. I decided that since it was her bath day anyways, she should join me! So I brought her into the shower-- she LOVED it! She was giggling and smiling the whole time.

Here she is afterward.... she pooped on the towel! :-)

     After our shower we got ready and went to Autumn and Robert's basketball games. Autumn won her game!! :-) Then we came home and went to bed (we didn't get home until MIDNIGHT because little missy decided she was hungry halfway home. But she made up for it by sleeping for FIVE HOURS STRAIGHT! Woohoo!!
    Today we have no plans except do some shopping and then go to the daycare's staff Christmas Party (late, I know!) Tomorrow we will be going to Simon's basketball game and then having Sarah and Caleb over for dessert and cards. It should be fun! :-)

                                                      Janel and Roger and Brinley

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Super Mom..... or not

    Monday (12/18) was my last trip to see Barbara Peckham-Devine, CNM. Her office is about 45 miles away in Grand Island. By 9:30 I had Brinley bathed, dressed, looking adorable, and fed along with getting myself showered, hair curled, dressed, fed, etc. I had Brinley in the car with the diaper bag and everything ON TIME (doesn't happen often with me!) and we met Roger at a gas station since he was on his way home. I was feeling like quite the "Super Mom" since I had everything done and ready to go.
     We got to my appointment and (of course) Brinley gets hungry again so we are in the waiting room and I am feeding her. Then I realize our little pee machine had peed through her diaper and onto her clothes (in a matter of one hour!). So I go to the diaper bag to get the necessary diaper-changing items. Much to my dismay not only do we not have any wipes left... we have NO DIAPERS!! (So much for "Super Mom"). Roger said he was going to run with her to the store in Grand Island while I was at my appointment but my midwife said they had some diapers there we could use. So everyone in the whole place knew I forgot diapers and wipes for my poor little baby. :-(
    Barbara brings in the diaper for us to use and... well.... just see for yourself (it was a little big)...

It was an Adult size small diaper! It was GIGANTIC!!

It was longer than she is! :-)

      But other than Mom's pride being crushed (as it probably should have been), the visit went great. Barbara says I am doing "wonderful" and she can't wait for me to have another little one. :-)

Thanks for checking in with us! We'll post again soon!

                  Janel (and Brinley)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

More Normal Results

   We took Brinley in at 12:45p today to get her voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG). We got to the hospital and they took us back in radiology to the X-ray room. They explained the procedure to us and then I layed Brinley down and undressed her. They put her in a white gown and took off her diaper. Mom and Dad had to put on lead aprons (should have brought the camera! Dad in an apron!) They then began to insert the catheter into her bladder. They filled her bladder with contrast and took some X-rays. We got to watch her bladder fill up with contrast and watch her little body squirm under the X-ray. It was pretty neat to see all the little parts inside her tiny little body moving and working. They took X-rays on her back and on both sides. They then waited for her bladder to fill up and for her to begin voiding. Right when she began to pee, they started taking more X-rays to see if the contrast would go back up into her urachus. They saw no contrast leak into a urachus and so the final verdict is: NO PATENT URACHUS!!!! YAY!!
     We then came home and Roger and Brinley did their "No Urachus" dance. :-) We ate some lunch and told everyone the good news. Dr. Psota called and informed us that she believes it is just a granuloma with a superficial infection. She has no other explanation for the leaking green ooze. She suggested an oral antibiotic (duracef) but mommy wants to try a topical antibiotic firts (bacuban). So Dr. Psota called in bacuban and if it doesn't clear in 3-5 days then we will try the Duracef. She sees no reason to cauterize her granuloma because it is relatively small in size and will continue to shrink as the infection clears and she gets older.
       Right now Brinley is taking a nap and Roger is at the YMCA. Mommy has some time to wash the dishes and read a book!! WOOHOO!! :-D Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers. We are so excited to have a healthy baby.

Normal Results!

   The radiologist did not see a patent urachus on the ultrasound. That means that "She's either lucky or she doesn't have one" (Radiologist Guy). He said that there is a good chance that it is still intact but he just can't see it on the ultrasound so he talked with Dr. Psota and they decided that we are going to the next test. This test is called a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG). This test involves putting a catheter in Brinley's tiny little bladder and filling it up with contrast dye. They will then take X-Rays as she is voiding to see if they can see contrast dye going up into a urachus. This would be a much more definitive test for diagnosis. This test will be done either Wednesday or Thursday so please pray with us that the urachus is not found and that the VCUG is not too horribly painful or uncomfortable for Brinley.
   Julie Halbgewachs and I were talking about how funny it is that we would never know of a urachus or other medical phenomenon unless something goes wrong with your child. The wonders God made our body to do without our even knowing.... He is truly awesome!

Monday, January 11, 2010

My Belly Button

     Brinley has had a little piece of what looks like extra skin inside of her little baby belly button since birth. I thought nothing of it (just thought she had a funny little belly button) until it started getting bigger and oozing. Last Wednesday (Dec 6th) I took her in for Dr. Psota to look at it. She said to stop cleaning it out with a Q-tip and just leave it be. If it was still oozing by Monday (today) to bring her in. So we went back in today (it wasn't any better) and Dr. Psota ordered an ultrasound on her little belly. We are heading to get that ultrasound at the hospital in about a half hour.
     Dr. Psota believes it might be a patent urachus (tube beween the bladder and umilicus) (See this blog for more information : ) We would have to go to Omaha and see a pediatric surgeon if that is the case. Please pray for Brinley's little belly button, her cooperation during the ultrasound, and for Mom's stress level. We will keep you updated.
               Mom and Brinley

New Pictures! :-)

Brinley and Daddy napping

My new Bumbo from Uncle Rolf and Aunt Deana! :-)

I've almost figured out how to suck my thumb!

Our beautiful baby girl