I am trying to be a good blogger, I promise. I don't just sit around when I should be blogging. There are dishes to be done! Clothes to be washed, dried, folded, and put away! Floors to be cleaned! A baby to rock, feet, bathe, dress, groom, and kiss. There is hair to be done! Toys to pick up!
But having said all of that, I am going to attempt to become a better blogger. I guess not BETTER per say, but more frequent. According to most people that nag me about updating my blog, it's about quantity NOT quality. So here goes....
Sunday (Nov 7th) Grandpa Eric, Aunt Shannon, and baby Winter all went to the park with Brinley and I. I told Grandpa Eric "Brinley loves the slide, watch this!" as I climbed the ladder up to the slide. I set Brinley in my lap and we went quickly down the slide. She screamed. This wasn't ANY scream, though. It was a totally new scream. I didn't think too much of it because I thought she was just scared. So she got back in her stroller and we walked back home. When we got back home, Aunt Shannon put Brinley on the floor and she refused to stand up. I told them that she was probably just extremely tired and so I put her to sleep. She took a pretty normal (1 hour) nap. She woke up around 3:30p. When I tried putting her down, though, it was the same as before her nap. She screamed. After some cuddling and some assurance, she finally stood up... like a flamingo. She was refusing to stand on her right leg. She wouldn't crawl with it, wouldn't stand on it, nothing. So I made her lay down and I moved the leg all around, putting pressure everywhere from her hip to her toes and couldn't find the problem. We gave it about thirty minutes and when she still wouldn't use it, we took her to Urgent Care. We saw Dr. Stava and she told us that after a recent viral infection (which was what caused her cough about a week or so ago), they can get fluid that settles on their joints and causes inflammation and pain. So she said that if it wasn't better by the next day (Monday), then we should go in again. I wasn't really buying this whole "inflamed joint" thing, but there wasn't much I could do about it.
So Monday morning Brinley woke up about 5:30 and she still was refusing to walk on her leg. So as soon as the clinic opened, we got there. We saw Dr. Stava again (since her regular doctor wasn't in) and as soon as Stava was walking in the door guess what..... Brinley stood up, bearing some weight on her right leg. Stinker! So Stava saw that as progress and we left. Since then, she has started walking (with a LOT of wobble and a limp). So hopefully we are on the track to recovery and the doctor was right about the "inflamed joint". The doc said that if she doesn't have full function back by Thursday or Friday then we are supposed to go back in. Maybe I just need to learn to trust the doctor, even if it isn't what I want to hear! Here's a peek at our poor, limpin baby.