Friday, February 22, 2013

Snow Day!

It's today. Yeah.I pushed the pause button for September through January.. today it's gonna be today. And today is a snow day.

For those of you who don't know, I hate snow. h.a.t.e. it. I hate snow, cold, wind, drifts, ice, shoveling... I could go on but I will stop there. I will stop so that I can tell you that weaved into my hate of all things winter there is some warmth.

Let me explain- I still hate snow, ice, and everything cold but I love that my kids love winter.

I love that they wake up to "check the weather" and see "how deep is the snow now, Mommy?"

I love that they stare out the window waiting for the wind to die down so that we can go outside.

I love that Brinley lists all of the things she wants to do in the snow: "First we'll jump in the snow and then we will climb the big mountain daddy made us and sled down it and then we will have to make a snowman and then make lots of snowballs and throw them at each other but we can't get it in people's faces because it's cold on our eyes and face and cheeks and if we do that then we have to put extra salve on our cheeks and then we can make snow angels together and then you can pull us in the sled.......".
Our first EVER snowman.
(ps- hush up! it was NOT good packing snow)
(and his eyes fell out before I could get a picture)

We did some serious playing outside today!

I love that when Daddy scoops the snow he scoops it into a "giant" sledding hill in the front yard.

 I love taking this cool kid out to play in the "no"

I love that I can say "Mommy's Special Hot Cocoa" and Titus, no matter how much we wants to stay outside, will follow me inside saying "cocoa. cocoa. mommy cocoa please. cocoa".

Hot cocoa, homemade whipped cream,
dark chocolate dusting and chocolate chips.

"All gone!"

She loves to make up her own songs to sing

My beautiful girl.

I love the after-sledding snuggles while watching a movie

I love that playing in the snow wears them down to the point of exhaustion

I love being these kids mom and if they love the snow, I will love them and love tolerate the snow.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Stuck in September: Nanny and Grandpa Visit

Yes, we are still stuck in September. Sorry, folks. But you wanna see Nanny and Grandpa's visit? Here ya go:

 We had a Birthday Party:

And I tried to get a "normal" picture of Brinley--
 I guess that IS normal...... :-)
I love our normal.

Thanks for coming to see us Nanny and Grandpa!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Remember September

I was organizing my pictures yesterday and ran across some pictures of my kids. If you haven't noticed how stinkin' adorable my children are yet, be prepared!

Cuteness comin' atcha!

First up, my sleepy boy.... love him!

"Girl time, girl time" - as Brinley says

Next up-- Titus. Lots of Titus.

          ....Hope you like the "straight out of the camera" look. I didn't take time to edit them. Sorry!

     ....I took him out to the woods to take some pictures and the kid just WOULDN'T look at me!

biggest. cheeks. ever.

Getting dirty, as usual.

Still wouldn't look at me.

    ...then came Caleb and he was ALL smiles!

Chubby boy

      .... his first day wearing "real" (hard-soled) shoes. It wasn't easy at first...

Next up, Brinley--

    ... she was being a bit of a "diva" saying the grass was "poking" her feet.

Hope you enjoyed the cuteness. I hear some laughing and giggling on the baby monitor.... they have awoken!