Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Hallows Eve

To celebrate Brinley's first Hallow's Eve, we decided to spend it with one of our favorite people- "Uncle" Todd. We went to a few friends houses and then made our way to "Uncle" Todd's house. When we arrived, we saw him all dressed up. For those of you who know Todd, you wont be surprised to hear that he was dressed as a Huskers football player - helmet and all! We spent some good quality time with Todd and with friends that stopped by his house. He even got a Barbie playhouse for Brinley to play with while she was there! What a guy!
After our time with Uncle Todd we headed over to the Randall house for some delicious vegetarian chili. YUM! We got to see the Wizard of Oz crew, a beautiful fairy, a bird and some pirates. What fun! Once we got home we realized that we had not captured one single picture of Brinley on her first Halloween. So this is all we got... Sorry folks!

Hope you all had a fun Hallows Eve! 

-The Bakers

1 comment:

  1. i know!! i was so mad when i realized i had taken any pics while everyone was over here!!! BOOOO! ;)
