Monday, December 7, 2009

Brinley Ann Baker

After 24 hours of early labor, 5 hours of active labor, and a lot of pushing... This what we have!!

Brinley Ann Baker
6 lbs 3 ounces
19 inches
Born at 5:16am on
December 7th, 2009

Happy Birthday Brinley!!


  1. OK new mommy... You were uploading new pictures when I talked to you earlier today... where are they my dear? I'm anxious to see my little niece in her own home and no the hospital!

  2. Tracy, I am so glad you are excited about your niece, but do you need to be such a nag? Have you ever tried to nurse every two hours, burp every two hours, change a diaper every hour (sometimes every five minutes), rock your baby to sleep, try to cook a meal somewhere in there, and post pictures on a blog that keeps failing the uploads? Yea... ;-)
