Thursday, January 27, 2011

Sooo.. How ya Been?

Yea- I know. It's been a while since I last posted.  We have had lots going on but nothing really to blog about. I know that is no excuse but I'm stickin' with it! Here's a little bit of catch-up:

Since I last posted we went to the ENT here in Kearney and Brinley is scheduled to get tubes in her ears on Feb 1st. My mom is planning a trip out the night of the 2nd to come visit. Hopefully Brinley will recover quickly to enjoy her visit with Grandma Cindy.

Roger is visiting his family in New Mexico right now... I wish I could have gone with him. I miss him and I miss his family. Oh well... someone's gotta hold down the fort! :-D

Brinley has been extra fun recently. She is like a sponge that soaks up my every word and action. At daycare today another child was throwing a fit and Brinley pointed at her and said "NO NO". Guess she's heard that a time or two, eh? She can say SO MANY words! Tiger, apple, bear, bird, spoon, bowl, star (her favorite right now), book, Brown Bear Brown Bear, Bible, fish, bug, neigh, pretty (another favorite as you will see below), hat, coat, shoes, socks, etc. I mean... it's mind-blowing (and scary!) how quickly she picks up words. This age is SO MUCH FUN! She loves to be chased around the house and scared. She loves to "help" with the dishes, she likes to jump in the piles of laundry, she likes to dance... ahhhhh! I am basking in the fun of life with Brinley.

We also have found evidence of mice. Clean mice. Mice that just wanted a mouth that "All Day Fresh". They only chewed up two things: our extra toothbrushes and our soap. Hmmmm...
Dirty mouth? Clean it up with Dial!

And here are some photos of our little Brinley (thanks for the outfits Great-Grandma Shirley!):


Her "Pretty" (necklace)

Well that's all the "updating" I can handle for tonight. Goodnight!

-The Bakers

Monday, January 17, 2011

New Mattress!!

This weekend Brinley got quite sick. The doctor thinks it was Rotovirus (yuck!) and so let's just say we went through quite a few more diapers than we normally would. Poor girl...
On Saturday, though, Daddy brought Mommy a present... a NEW MATTRESS!!! His friend Justin helped deliver it but we didn't have the old mattress out of the room and Roger had some work to do on our bed frame so they set the mattress down in the kitchen. About ten minutes later I was contemplating leaving the mattress in the kitchen forever. Here's why:

The simple pleasures of life :-D

 -The Bakers

Thursday, January 13, 2011


So I (Mommy) have had the flu for a couple days now (bleck!) and have had to take a more "hands off" approach to parenting. Last night Brinley was getting drinks of water from her Daddy but was saying "Thank you" before she swallowed so the water was spilling all down the front of her clothes and onto the floor. I was sitting on the couch watching this and so I pretended to take a big gulp, swallow and then said "Ahhhhh... Thank you Daddy!" This is how it was interpreted in Brinley's mind.....

Hmmmmm... is that what I looked like when I did it?

-The Bakers

ps- Thank you to Aunt Shannon and Hasmik for teaching her to say "cheese" anytime she sees the camera. Soooo cute!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Brinley Enjoys the Snow

Apparently this is as close as Brinley likes to get to the snow....

.... which is really too bad because we have A LOT of it we could be playing in!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Let It Snow...

Our first big snow of the season (On January 9th!). I enjoyed watching it fall and cover everything in a beautiful layer of pure, crisp white. As I was watching it fall all I could think of was how I have been washed white as snow.... thank you Lord! It has been a refreshing winter season... one that crept in slowly and made me actually CRAVE a fresh blanket of snow. I am thankful for the beauty of the snow outside but on the other hand was also very excited to take Brinley outside and stomp all over the flat, crisp snow leaving our tracks throughout the yard. So we started the bundling process....

 Layer One
(thanks Grandma Shirley!)

Layer Two
(thanks Gma Shirley and Gma Cindy and Gpa Eric!)

 Layer Three
(thanks to the fore-mentioned and Aunt Tracy)

They're Ready! 
She's not sure

This could be fun!

She pretty much hated it.

We had fun! Hope you are able to get out and enjoy the outdoors this week whether you have a beautiful layer of snow or not. (Enjoy your 80 degrees tomorrow, Grandma Shirley!)

The Bakers

Monday, January 3, 2011

New Years News...

I have many things to blog about since we just got back from a ten-day vacation to Alamogordo, NM and Denver, CO but I just couldn't wait to blog this...

(please excuse the picture quality)

That's right... Brinley is a big sister! (And as you can see, she is... uh... thrilled!) Our newest addition is due September 9, 2011! Thank you, Lord! We are so excited!

Now off to eat some craving  puke in a cup... Hope your holiday was as fun as ours!

                The Bakers