Monday, January 17, 2011

New Mattress!!

This weekend Brinley got quite sick. The doctor thinks it was Rotovirus (yuck!) and so let's just say we went through quite a few more diapers than we normally would. Poor girl...
On Saturday, though, Daddy brought Mommy a present... a NEW MATTRESS!!! His friend Justin helped deliver it but we didn't have the old mattress out of the room and Roger had some work to do on our bed frame so they set the mattress down in the kitchen. About ten minutes later I was contemplating leaving the mattress in the kitchen forever. Here's why:

The simple pleasures of life :-D

 -The Bakers


  1. ok, you know what works just as well? .... an air mattress. Yup, we have one set up in our third bedroom for guests and Addi LOVES it!If the door is cracked open at all, she is in a mad dash to get on it.

  2. oh no-- does that mean they think YOU had it too? yuck. i've had the roto.. it's a no go. ;) so sweet... and this is grayson's nightnight song. i love it. :)
