Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Fun!

To start off this blog, the Baker family would like to thank all of the veterans we celebrate today. Thank you for your service to our country and for the freedom that you have aided in maintaining for us. We are so grateful to live in a country where we can worship, fellowship, study, thrive, build, act, speak, write, work, and do so many other things so freely. Thank you, also, for the day off work!

Roger, Brinley, and I spent the day at the park, playing cards, cooking, cleaning, eating, and spending time together. Here are some photos of what we have done so far...
stroller ride
cute feet
"higher daddy! higher!'
too cute
relaxin' in the swing
daddy loves me
playin' cards
"no, daddy! play that one!"
she LOVES peas!
mama's girl- lovin' the peas!

Hope you had a wonderfully relaxing day like we did!             
 The Bakers                   

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Painted Purple

On our way to the park Brinley started screaming in her stroller. It wasn't the first time today that she had been a bit fussy when she would have normally been happy. I walked around the stroller to check on her and saw some white patches inside of her mouth. I knew exactly what it was. You see, about four days ago Brinley was diagnosed with a yeast infection in her diaper region (due to antibiotics she was on for a possible ear infection). I knew that sometimes thrush can follow after antibiotics and so I was hoping not to find these stupid little white patches but thinking it was a good possibility. Alas- there they were. I called the doctor's office and made sure that the urgent care facility was open. We walked into the clinic with our well-dressed, giggling little baby and walked out with a very confused, purple-mouthed, nearly naked baby. Since the dye in the medication they paint in her mouth stains, I wasn't about to put her pretty little dress or cute lacy leggings back on her. Needless to say, she looked pretty darn cute with that purple stain in her mouth…

                                                             Look at my new teeth!


                                                                 Hope we could make you smile!
                                                                                     The Bakers

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

A Day In The Life...

Ever wonder what it would be like to become a baby's toy? To be a rattle, a ball, a teddy bear? To live like a book or a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal? What it would be like to walk just a few miles in the shoes of a teether? Well, here's your chance!

A few seconds in the life of Brinley's toy. Check it out:

                                                                                           Bon Appetit!
                                                                                                 The Bakers

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Splish! Splash! I Was Takin' a Bath....

You may not believe it, but Brinley had never been in the bath before last week. She had always had a sponge bath or taken a shower with mommy. Last week was her very first time submerged in a tub. I (mommy) really thought that she would LOVE splashing, kicking, and playing with her bath toys. I was mistaken. All she wanted to do was chew on her feet and her little rubber ducky. I guess since she had never taken a bath before, she just didn't understand it. Since then, we have been learning about how much fun splashing is. (I'm sure I'll regret that when she's old enough to splash mommy!)
I love my daddy!

Finally! I get to chew on this ducky!

Brinley and Daddy, Hard at Work

Daddy had some siding to fix on our house and was hard at work when Brinley and I got home from work. He said he could use a hand, so I gave him two little ones....

She really wanted to chew on the hammer!

Hope your "To Do" list is getting shorter as well!!
       The Baker Family

First Haircut!

That's right, folks. Brinley had her very first haircut at just over 5 months of age. Ok, so it wasn't really a haircut since we only cut off about five hairs, but they sure needed it. She had about five or six hairs on the top of her head that were about four inches long. They were WILD! I finally had enough and her daddy gave her a haircut. Check it out.....

                                   Isn't she so sweet?

                                           Mommy, Daddy and Brinley

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Brinley's First "Solids"

There really is nothing "solid" about her first solid food experience, but here it is... Brinley's First Solids!!

She liked it!!!

Oh wait... maybe she didn't....

                            Mom, Dad and Brinley