Sunday, October 31, 2010

All Hallows Eve

To celebrate Brinley's first Hallow's Eve, we decided to spend it with one of our favorite people- "Uncle" Todd. We went to a few friends houses and then made our way to "Uncle" Todd's house. When we arrived, we saw him all dressed up. For those of you who know Todd, you wont be surprised to hear that he was dressed as a Huskers football player - helmet and all! We spent some good quality time with Todd and with friends that stopped by his house. He even got a Barbie playhouse for Brinley to play with while she was there! What a guy!
After our time with Uncle Todd we headed over to the Randall house for some delicious vegetarian chili. YUM! We got to see the Wizard of Oz crew, a beautiful fairy, a bird and some pirates. What fun! Once we got home we realized that we had not captured one single picture of Brinley on her first Halloween. So this is all we got... Sorry folks!

Hope you all had a fun Hallows Eve! 

-The Bakers

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Annual Pumpkin Carving Contest

Since we have been married, Roger and I have continued the tradition of pumpkin carving that we had in our families growing up but put a little twist on it. Roger and I have pumpkin carving contests every year. This is about how it goes... 1) We talk ALL SORTS of smack. 2) We each choose a pumpkin. 3) We talk more smack. 4) We carve our pumpkins at opposite ends of the table (making sure the other doesn't see what we are carving)... all while talking smack.. 5) We light them up on the porch for a final viewing. 6) We both vote (for our own pumpkin, of course). 7) It is declared a tie (after lots of smack talk). 8) We kiss.
This year Brinley got to join in on the fun!

Brinley's fist pumpkin carving experience...
Daddy put some "guts" on her feet

She tried shaking it off
 She really didn't like it..

Let the drawing begin
 "Let me see, Daddy"

She was getting tired of carving...

Brinley's submission:
A self portrait carved into her pumpkin. :-)

Roger's submission:

 He used the top of his pumpkin as the front

It had a bad head injury

All lit up

 "AAAaaaahhhh!! My head!!!!"

 He's so creative! 

My submission:
 Inspired by "The Nightmare Before Christmas"

Swirly cues!

And the winner is...

It's a three-way tie!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

October Already?

I'm not quite sure what happened to September, but apparently it skipped over our house. I didn't even have time to change my calendar. We skipped straight from August to October. Here is a photo journal of our transient September

 Grandma and Grandpa visited
 Brinley went to her first birthday party/vegetarian potluck/outdoor movie showing. Thanks Ari!
Her first ride on daddy's big shoulders

 She swung

and swung
Learned about nature
 Talked a little


 Talked A LOT

Learned to play Peek-A-Boo
 Gave me that "Oh Mom!" look

Played with her "BALLoon"

Looked adorable
 Visited with family

 Swung more

 and more

 Learned how to walk

and became a diva.

I guess we did quite a bit this September. Perhaps that is why it FLEW by. Hope your September was full of lots of fun, discovery, learning, and playing!
                                                         The Bakers