Last weekend Roger, Brinley, the cub and I had the privilege of hosting these two people:
If there is anyone who has made it a priority to spend time with our little Bear, it has been these guys. My mom drove from CO in a blizzard in order to be able to tell Brinley- "I was there when you were born. I watched you take your first breath of air". My mother has seen Brinley
at least once every month that she has been alive.
EVERY MONTH, people. She has made the boring and windy drive from Colorado to Nebraska more times than she would like to admit. She
LOVES her grandbaby- and she
proves that to her constantly.
So on with our visit... My parents arrived in NE on Friday night but since it was so late, they went straight to their hotel for the night. Saturday morning they surprised Brinley by waking her up. Let's just say she was shocked. She looked at them and said "Grandma? Grandpa? Grandma? Grandpa? MOMMY?!?!?" haha. Unfortunately, the weekend was not full of beautiful and sunny days. According to Brinley everything was "all wet". The rain and cold breeze blew both Saturday and Sunday. So we spent quite a bit of time inside--
"Help, Grandpa? Buckle?" |
Puppet Time! |
"Nose." |
Kiss the Puppet |
There is ONE good thing about being stuck inside with my parents... Mom gets a cookin'!
Steak Tacos topped with an Avacado Lime Salad |
Watermelon! Yuuuuummmmm!! |
Then, out of no where, Monday was
b-e-a-u-tiful! We spent Monday morning (the day of their departure, of course) at the park. Here are a few pictures from that beautiful Monday morning--
Brinley did LOTS of swinging:
Grandma had the front... |
... Grandpa had the back |
She was all about the slide...
(She even tried the BIG slide all by herself!)
From then on, the big slide was only for playing peek-a-boo with Grandma:
(or as a chair)
Grandpa watching Brinley practice her colors | |
The park seemed to have been set-up for some sort of "Field Day" with hula hoops EVERYWHERE... looked like it was going to be a wild and fun day-
Brinley also tried the "merry round and round" with Grandpa--
Then some swinging with Grandma--
Some flower-picking fun-
"Grandpa, mel? Mel It?" |
"Brinley, you smell it?" - Grandpa |
"No. No. No thank you." - Brinley |
So I made Grandpa smell it! |
And then there was just general fun being had-
LOTS of pictures were taken! :-) |
This one is for you, Grandma! |
Brinley loved chasing the birds. |
"Biiiiiiiiiwwwdd.... Come here biiiiiiiwwwwd!!" |
Thanks for coming out Grandma and Grandpa! We love you guys SO MUCH!! Thank you for always making our family a priority and showing us how much you love spending time with us! We will cherish these times!
-The Bakers