December.... yea... I'm still on 2011 here. We're behind so here's the photo catch-up:
Brinley's Birthday:
Brinley turned 2 on December 7th. That morning she woke up (as we are beginning the tradition) to her room covered in balloons. Daddy and I were so excited for her to wake up and see the balloons. We listened closely on the monitor when we heard her stirring. This is what we heard "Balloons... Balloons!" (then her voice got a little shaky and she started to cry a little bit) "We need to clean these up. We need to clean up right now." That's my girl. OCD, baby. So we cleaned up the balloons and celebrated her birthday with lots of sprinkles on her pancakes and lots o fun throughout the day.
Her birthday party was scheduled for December 10th. The night of the 9th, just before bed, she was getting quite fussy... but it way nearing bedtime. She, typically, isn't too fussy around bedtime unless we are PAST bedtime. Totally different story then. But this wasn't past bedtime. I never would have thought to check it but Grandma mentioned that she felt a bit warm. So I took her temp. 103. Yea. Wow. Way to be a good mom, right? Didn't even notice her 103 temp. Yikes! So we kept her up a bit and watched her temp for a while.
The next day (the day of her party) her temp was staying pretty high and she has had LOTS Of ear infection issues in her life. So off to the doctor we went. Doctor comes into the room and says her hellos and I mentioned that today was supposed to be her birthday party. She says "Didn't I see you LAST YEAR on the day of your birthday party?" Oh. My. I remembered her trip to the doctor the morning of her birthday party last year. Thought she might have had pink eye that morning. HA. Crazy. Well her ears were fine so we were sent home with the good 'ol "It's a virus". :-D
Since Grandma and Grandpa were here for her party we decided to throw our own FAMILY party! She really likes the moon and stars and so we did a "moon and stars" party. She opened presents, we turned on her "stars" on the ceiling, we played and goofed off and ate cake.
Opening gifts |
She got LEGOS! |
Lovin the legos |
She was so sick. Poor girl! |
Titus kissing Grandma |
Peanut Butter and Jelly Stars! |
Stars! |
Decorating for Christmas:
I have tried to make it a point to decorate for Christmas AFTER Brinley's birthday. Since her party was postponed and such, we didn't get this done until just about two weeks before Christmas. This was the first year that Brinley has helped with the decorating... it was pretty fun!
She decided her balloons were ornaments |
She loved playing with the lights |
Hanging garland on the freezer |
This year we had a very relaxed Christmas. We each got to open one present on Christmas Eve. Brinley opened her "Color Wonder" coloring set from Nanny and Grandpa. She was excited.
Christmas morning we opened presents, went to church and then headed up to Grandma Gorn and Grandpa Jigger's house for a DELICIOUS meal with Aunt Sandy, Uncle Rich, Hillary, Robert, and Kay. :-D I had no idea that there would be presents for Brinley and Titus there, but they were spoiled as usual. Brinley got a new baby doll from Kay. It came with a stethoscope, "medicine", otoscope, thermometer, etc. Everyone started laughing when Brinley lifted her shirt and said "I need to feed the baby". They laughed even harder when she decided to take the baby's temperature....
He adores his sock monkey |
Getting ready for church I noticed
that he looked a bit like Elvis |
Playing with her letters at Grandma
Gorn's house |
Just like Daddy |
Brinley got to ride in Uncle Rich's hunting-golf-cart-thinga-majig |
He was pretty worn out |
He loves his Grammy Gorn |
Mommy and Grandpa Jiggers |
That's my boy! |
Well... now I'm closer to being caught up. Hope to get some more posts up soon (like Titus' HAIRCUT!)
-The Bakers
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